» 国际教育
» 初中双语课程
On the 17th of November, we held an English-speaking competition in the International Bilingual Middle School. The theme of the event was "Stories from Home," and the 26 contestants spoke about China's proud history and culture such as traditional tea culture, Chinese winemaking, feats space exploration, and acts of heroism exhibited by people in all stations of life. All the participants spoke beautifully, and their love for their homeland and the pride they felt in China's accomplishments emanated brightly from every student involved. All the students who came to watch were deeply invested in the event, listening intently to the stories and events from their past that make them so proud to be part of the great and growing traditions of Chinese that stretch back thousands of years.
The competition's winner, Jason from 8(11), gave a very passionate talk about China's ever-growing space program. He articulated with clarity and style and was a deserved winner as it was clear he had put a great deal of time and effort into practicing. Special mentions must go to all 6th-grade students for facing the challenge and getting involved in event, particularly to Vanessa & Tiger from 6(12), who wrote and delivered excellent speeches that demonstrated wisdom beyond their years. We are also proud of Eva from 8(12) as she was very nervous before the event but showed great determination and grit, giving an impassioned speech despite her stage fright. Teddy from 8(13) gave a fantastic talk on the importance of what unites us, and how we can overcome what divides us. His message of disparate cultures needing to come together resonated with the whole room.
以庆祝中国共产党成立100周年为重要契机,进一步开展青少年热爱党、热爱祖国的教育,鼓励广大学生用英文生动讲述中国故事,让世界更好地了解中国,2021年11月17日下午,西外双语初中部英语组举办了“中国故事我来说,China Story Show” 英语演讲活动,演讲主题围绕介绍中国传统文化、传统节日,传统艺术,中国航天事业的发展等内容展开,向世界传播中国文化。
一等奖获得者 王子豪
二等奖获得者 李家仪、金兌勳
三等奖获得者 聂显佳、魏莱、袁佳豪
优秀奖获得者 王馨儀 刘佳仪 秦傲清
Overall it was a fantastic event, with all the students doing an excellent job, and we speak for all the teachers involved when we say we are proud to have hosted this speech competition to give our students the platform to express themsevles so eloquently. Great job to the students of the Xiwai Bilingual Middle School, we are very excited to see what you show us next!