2020-03-25 西外小初高双语国际课程部
With the world facing a new challenge in the form of a global pandemic: Covid-19. Countries, communities, schools, families and people around the world are having to change their lives and lifestyles for the betterment of each other and ourselves. As you know, many schools and companies have extended their time off in order to keep young students such as yourself and those around us safe and healthy. It is now more important than ever to reflect on ourselves and our daily habits. Are we doing everything we possibly can to be as healthy and productive as possible in this trying time? Are we truly taking care of ourselves to the best of our ability? If you think the answer to either one of these questions is “no”, don’t worry. We have put together a simple guide for you to follow in order to ensure you are staying healthy and happy while we are confined to our homes during Covid-19.
When looking at our overall health, there are many things that we need to consider. Being healthy does not just mean we are able to run a 6-minute mile. Mental health is arguably a far more crucial factor as it is our mind that controls our body. If we can master our minds, we can truly achieve anything. There are 6 areas that we should focus on when trying to maximize our mental health. If we can effectively create a balance of each of these areas, there is no challenge in the world that can stop us. As young students several of these areas should be filled by those around you, your loved ones and family provide for you that which you cannot provide for yourself.
Focus on the areas in which you feel you have direct control. Establish a daily routine that includes as many of these areas as possible. Some of these should remain constant, take space for example. We should keep our room clean so that it is a healthy living environment, we should keep our workspace organized so that we are not distracted while we study, our parents will ensure that our home remains safe and stable. Other areas are important, but can be done less often, take spiritual for example. Having time alone is good so that you can reflect on yourself and your thoughts, meditation is also an effective method for doing this. Are you less healthy if you do not meditate every day? Of course not! But it is something you should consider doing once in a while. Similarly, building connections with new people or going out in nature, these are obvious things that we should do, but it will not harm us if it is not worked into our daily routine.
Of course, a big factor when it comes to our health and well-being is how physically active we are, the Center for Disease Control in the United States recommends that children and adolescents aging from 6 to 17 years do 60 minutes or more of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity daily. Regular physical activity can help children and adolescents improve cardiorespiratory fitness, build strong bones and muscles, control weight, reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, and reduce the risk of illness. Research also suggests that students who are physically active tend to have better grades, school attendance, cognitive performance (e.g., memory), and classroom behaviors (e.g., on-task behavior). Furthermore, higher physical activity and physical fitness levels are associated with improved cognitive performance (e.g., concentration, memory) among students.
That being said, here are some simple exercise routines you can do right in your own bedroom, with no equipment. Just:
1、Clear some space on your floor
2、Use a yoga mat or towel for padding
4、Make sure you have plenty of water nearby
5、Make sure you stretch to warm up first, and cool down afterwards. (follow the yoga routine as a method of stretch and cooling down)
It will take a little effort in the beginning to push yourself to be active. But once it becomes a part of your routine, it will get much easier. You will start to feel the results almost immediately, your muscles may be tired but you will feel more energized, stronger, more focused and healthier.
I hope this guide helps you in some way. Remember, keep your mind healthy as well as your body. Stay safe, stay active, stay healthy.
The Art and Design Curriculum has been designed to ensure that all students develop their creativity and ideas and increase proficiency in their execution. In the class room, the students learn about the important elements of Art and Design with a focus on building their drawing and painting skills. During my time teaching art at Xiwai, I have encouraged students to explore their creativity using a variety of mediums in and outside the classroom.
Taking art class into the digital realm has been a challenge, as students may not have access to the materials they usually would in the art room. I have tailored the online classes to take this into account and we have been learning about 1 point perspective through observation and practice. Students have learned how to create a variety of shapes and letters in 1-point perspective and will then create their own streetscape with graffiti for their major project. So far the students have been doing amazing work and I am so proud of them. Keep up the good work every one!
体育和艺术, “力”和“美”,就好像是教育的两只抓手,一刚一柔,一武一文,只有两者相辅相成,刚柔并济,文武兼备,才能促进学生的全面发展,这是培养“全人”的必需营养品,缺一不可。外教的课程,为这两样“营养品”,更添加了更多的有益元素,为学生带来了更广阔的思考维度和视野广度。