2018-11-29 胡莹莹 Gary
It all started three years ago when the Grade 6 students were learning the elements of a short story in Gary’s class. This lesson aided his students in reading comprehension. It led them to a deeper understanding and appreciation of stories and helped his students learn to write stories of their own. He believes that the success of the students depends on how they apply their learning to their works and to their daily lives. After learning all the elements of a short story, Gary noticed that most of the stories that they had written were all amazing. That’s why he came up with this idea of putting some of their compositions together for his students to realize how they are in his class as far as their English level is concerned. He chose Reflections as the title of the first book because he thought that their short stories reflected the skills they have learned in his class.
三年前,彼时Gary教授预初的Language,正是短片小说(小故事)阅读单元。Gary给学生提供了大量的短篇小说以供他们阅读。越是深度阅读,学生越来越了解小说的结构等一些元素。在文学阅读的海洋里,Gary携同学生一起畅游,时而灵感乍现。于是,学生开始尝试着创作短篇故事。Gary很意外,在阅读学生作品的过程中,他被很多作品惊讶到了。他一边鼓励学生继续“学以致用”,一边将学生的优秀作品整理成作品集,并将其取名为“Reflections "。在Gary看来,这些作品,既是学生创作灵感的体现,也是学生文学课堂所学知识的展现,包含着他和学生对文学的最原始的热爱。
文学课2.0版本: 《涂鸦》第一册
Inspired by the success of Reflections, Gary was able to compile again some short stories written by his students in his second year at Xiwai. This time he added poems and graphic stories also made by them. He named this masterpiece Scribbles. He knew it’s just natural for students to bubble over with ideas. Unfortunately, capturing those ideas on paper does not always come as easily, but they have to be written. So in their creative writing lesson, his students were able to display writing skills again. He was just extremely proud and happy with the effort the students had made in the lessons.
Gary和他的学生并不满足于Reflections 的出版。在此启发下,他将他的文学课进行了第一次创新和改进。这一次,他增加了诗歌和故事绘本。他知道,日常生活中,学生很自然地就会天马行空、胡思乱想,想要用文字捕捉学生的这些想法有时候很困难。他想要留住学生的这些瞬间灵感。写作,本来就是有感而发,缘时而作。所以在他的创意写作课上,学生继续进行形式更自由的创作。小说+诗歌+故事绘本,Gary的这道菜,调料和原材料越来越丰富了。
第二本作品集:Scribbles Ⅰ
Gary believed that the students work gets better and better every year. So on his third year at Xiwai, it was a lot easier for him to collect their literary pieces. The third compilation book, which is the second volume of Scribbles, had been launched. This time he added essays and grammar board games. It can be a challenge to get middle schoolers interested in reading, but Scribbles is always a great choice. It has different kinds of reading materials and board games that students will surely enjoy. It only aims to involve and move its readers.
学生的作品质量越来越高,这激励Gary更加坚定地将这堂创意写作课坚持下去。出版文学作品集已经成为Gary和学生之间的约定,一期一会。时间长了,他和学生之间形成了一种无形的默契。于是,他更加大胆地进行教学上的改革。他要求学生阅读散文并进行散文创作。在第三本作品集Scribbles 2 中,Gary加入了学生的散文作品和语法棋盘游戏。他认为,让中学生真正爱上阅读可能有一些困难,但是,给学生提供尽可能多的形式的阅读以及有趣的语法棋盘游戏,也许会给学生不一样的阅读和写作体验。
第三本作品集:Scribbles Ⅱ