2017-10-29 西外梦工厂
英文:Enrico Piccinini 中文:胡文宁、牛栎珺
On Thursday, October 19, 2017, Xiwai was honored to welcome Mr. Simon Lebus, the Chief Executive of the Cambridge Assessment Group. In his role as CEO, Mr. Lebus oversees all of Cambridge University’s examination boards, both in Britain and internationally. These include Cambridge International Examinations, which runs the IGCSE and A Level programs globally. With Xiwai recently having joined the Cambridge community, Xiwai principals and academic leaders were eager to hear Mr. Lebus’s unique perspective and insights. At the same time, Mr. Lebus was interested to learn more about our school and how Xiwai will enrich the Cambridge program. Also visiting were Yvonne Huang, Cambridge Assessment Senior Manager for East Asia, and Kelvin Shi, Manager for East Asia.
Over morning tea, Xiwai Headmaster Dr. Lin Min and Mr. Lebus had a far-ranging discussion about the Cambridge system, China, and growing trends in both national and international education. Dr. Lin shared his philosophy of education and talked about Xiwai’s unique, integrated curriculum, which seeks to blend the best elements of Chinese and international education in order to cultivate learners with a truly global perspective. Mr. Lebus talked about the Cambridge program’s growth in China and the many challenges and opportunities ahead. Both leaders discussed how Xiwai is well-positioned, not just to contribute to the vitality of the Cambridge program, but also to serve as a model for other bilingual schools seeking to adapt Cambridge to the special demands of the Chinese national context.
林校长与Mr. Lebus合影、交谈
Mr. Lebus’s visit concluded with a tour of the Xiwai campus. He visited the International Department, where he dropped in on several Primary classrooms and toured Xiwai’s innovative Makerspace facility. As is the custom with Xiwai’s guests, Mr. Lebus tried his hand at Chinese calligraphy, using brush and ink to write a Chinese character on a scroll. It was an impressive first attempt! We look forward to his next visit – and to a long and fruitful partnership with Cambridge, as we both seek to shape the next generation of global citizens!
“有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎!”2017年10月19日,剑桥大学考试委员会首席执行官Simon Lebus先生受到邀请来西外交流。同时到访的还有剑桥国际考试中心华东地区主管黄婉虹女士以及剑桥国际考试中心华东地区主管时钟汇先生。作为首席执行官,Lebus先生负责管理剑桥大学的所有英国国内和国际考试,这其中包括剑桥国际考试项目,如IGCSE和A Level项目。这次来访,已经是剑桥考试委员会继西外开学典礼后的第二次了。
当天上午,西外总校长林敏博士和Lebus先生就剑桥项目系统、中国及国际教育的趋势等相关话题进行了深度对话和交流。林校长分享了他的教育理念,介绍了西外独特的融合课程,并强调西外课程的培养目标是将中西教育的精华融合于一体,以挖掘学生的最大潜力,培养出真正具有国际视野的学生。Lebus 先生和林校长、国际课程部主任潘炜倩、初高中国际课程部外方校长Enrico Piccinini、以及小学双语课程部外方校长Emanuel Ruiz 就西外的教学、学生情况、教职员工、语言学习、剑桥课程、AP课程等情况进行了深度讨论。Lebus先生对西外的教学非常感兴趣,一连发出了好几个问题,叫人几乎应接不暇:在西外英语较弱的学生是如何进行语言强化训练的?外籍教师中有多少老师能讲中文?中外教之间是如何相互学习和提高的?
Enrico Piccinini指出目前高中国际课程班的英语学习是分层学习,其中包括针对提高学生雅思、托福应试技巧的课程。老师们也陆陆续续参加了专业的剑桥课程、AP课程培训。Emanuel Ruiz分享到,西外非常注重教研,目前学校组织的“智慧课堂”教学就是一个教师教研、教师之间互相学习的良好平台。在西外,中外教共同坐在一个办公室里,他们可以相互交流、学习、支持、鼓励。