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【外教工作坊】Foreigner teachers‘workshop

2016-12-24 Enrico David



Continuous professional development is vital to building a strong and successful school. At Xiwai, professional development takes many forms, from weekly staff meetings to all-day trainings and seminars and even special off-campus training events.


In the Bilingual Middle School and International High School, foreign teachers also use their Friday staff meetings to share ideas and hone their teaching skills. Each week, a different teacher or group of teachers leads a workshop on some aspect of teaching and education. According to Principal Enrico Piccinini, “Every teacher has something he or she can do better than the rest of us. These workshops are an opportunity for each of us to learn from our peers and become better teachers in the process.”

Middle school

Recently in the Middle School, English teachers Mark Wilkinson and Jo Folscher gave a workshop on how to guide students effectively, with an emphasis on lower-level English speakers. The workshop started with a brief exercise to show that teachers don’t always follow directions well either! Mark and Jo then shared some strategies for how to structure your lessons so that students are able to understand well and be more productive in class. Teachers came away with some great ideas that they can apply in their own classes, regardless of which subject they teach.

High school

In the High School, English and SAT teacher David Mielke gave an informative presentation on the format of the new SAT and how to prepare students for this crucial test. David explained that the new SAT requires much more critical thinking and a great deal of background knowledge from other subjects – not just English and mathematics, but also history, science, and other disciplines. Students can no longer hope to do well on the SAT just by taking “crash courses” and learning clever strategies and shortcuts. The only good preparation for the SAT now is a full and challenging curriculum with a strong focus on reading and critical inquiry.


Also in High School, English teacher Alex Leibowitz gave a talk on how to align our teaching with Common Core standards. These standards for grades K-12 are currently used in 42 out of 50 states in the United States, and they form the basis of our Bilingual Middle School and International High School curricula as well. Alex gave an overview of the standards along with specific examples of how to apply the standards in our lessons.


So far, the foreign teacher-led workshops in the Middle and High School have been informative and helpful. They also provide both experienced and new teachers with a platform to share their experiences and insights as educators. If you would like to participate, stop by the International Department any Friday afternoon – all teachers are welcome to join!







在國際雙語初、高中部周五例會上,外教們一起分享經驗、打磨教學技能。每周外教都會以個體或小組的形式,就某一個教學或教育議題開展專題討論。外方校長Enrico Piccinini提到,每位教師都有其他教師所不能及的特長,專題研討會不僅為教師們提供相互學習的機會,而且有助於教師們自身的職業發展。


初中雙語國際部的英語教師Mark Milkinson 和Jo Folscher 進行了一場關於如何高效引導英語水平較薄弱的學生學習的研討會。這個研討會從一個簡短的練習開始,向老師們展示其實老師也並不總是能跟從指令,何況學生?僅接著Mark和Jo分享了一些課程設計的策略,為了使學生更好地理解課堂指令並能有更好的課堂產出。各學科的老師們紛紛給出自己關於課堂管理和教學的好想法。



 在高中雙語國際課程部,英語及SAT教師David Mielka 獻上了一場精彩的公益講座。他講解了SAT新政及其備考策略。David解釋說新SAT考試對考生的批判性思維能力及除英語及數學以外其他學科(諸如曆史、科學等)的背景知識有更高的要求。這樣一來,要想獲取高分,就不能單單依賴速成班或考試技巧了,而是要通過聚焦於那些培養閱讀能力及批判性思維能力的充滿挑戰性的課程。


英語教師Alex Leibowitz 則做了一場關於如何將教學接軌核心課標的講座。該課標是目前美國 的42個州(共50個州)K-12年級使用的課程標準,也是國際雙語初、高中部課程設置的基石。Alex介紹了課程標準的主要內容,並舉例闡述了如何將課標運用到日常課程教學中的具體實施辦法。



David & SAT

Everything You Want to Know About

The New SAT

















學生需要掌握有關藝術、科學、 公民、文化即政治生活等的理念、爭論或思想趨勢。

SAT測試被大多美國4年製大學采納。許多希望出國留學的西外學生需參加該考試,所    以他們應該盡早熟悉該考試。2016年,新版SAT推出,新政策包括:數學部分變得更長,更多基於語境的閱讀和寫作,以及與核心課程目標更緊密地保持一致。 此外,論文寫作雖然推薦給大多院校,但卻是可選項。這個研討會討論新測試的變化,所需的學術技能,以及西外的課程設置如何更好幫助學生備考。

